Probability Revision

Math notations

$\sum_x f(x) \equiv \sum_{s \in dom(x)} f(x = s)$

Definition 1.1 (Rules of Probability for Discrete Variables)

The summation of the probability over all the state is 1:

$\sum_{x \in dom(x)} p(x = x) = 1$

This is called normalisation condition. We write $\sum_x p(x) = 1$ for short.

Two variables $x$ and $y$ can interact through

$p(x, y) = p(x) + p(y) - p(x \cap y)$

Definition 1.2 (Set notation) An alternative notation in terms of set theory is to write

$p(\text{x or y}) \equiv p(x \cup y)$

$p(x, y) \equiv p(x \cap y)$

Definition 1.3 (Marginals)

$p(x) = \sum_y p(x, y)$

Definition 1.4 (Conditional Probability / Bayes’ Rule)

$p(x \mid y) = \frac{p(y \mid x)p(x)}{p(y)}$

Definition 1.5 (Probability Density Functions) For a continuous variable x, the probability density f(x) is defined such that

$f(x) \geq 0, \int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x) \mathrm{d}x = 1$

and the probability that $x$ falls in an interval [a, b] is given by

$p(a \leq x \leq b) = \int_a^b f(x) \mathrm{d}x$

Unlike probabilities, probability densities can take positive values greater than 1.

Definition 1.6 (Independence)

$p(x, y) = p(x)p(y)$

Provided that $p(x) \neq \text{0 and }p(y) \neq$0 independence of x and y is equivalent to

$p(x \mid y) = p(x)$


$p(y \mid x) = p(y)$

we write $x \bot y$

Definition 1.7 (Conditional Independence)

$X \bot Y \mid Z$

denotes that the two sets of variables $X$ and $Y$ are independent of each other provided we know the state of the set of variables $Z$. For conditional independence, $X$ and $Y$ must be independent given all states of $Z$, means:

$p(X, Y \mid Z) = p(X \mid Z)p(y \mid Z)$

If $X$ and $Y$ are not conditionally independent, they are conditionally dependent, This is written:

$X \top Y \mid Z$

Similarly $X \top Y \mid \emptyset$ can be written as $X \top Y$

Probabilistic Reasoning

The central paradigm of probabilistic reasoning is to identify all relevant variables $x_1, \dots, x_N$ in the environment, and make a probabilistic model $p(x_1, \dots, x_N)$ of their interaction. Reasoning(inference) is then performed by introducing evidence that sets variables in known states, and subsequently computing probabilities of interest, conditioned on this evidence.

Prior, Likelihood and Posterior

Much of science deals with problems of the form: tell me something about the variable $\theta$ given that I have observed data $D$ and have some knowledge of the underlying data generating mechanism. Our interest is then the quantity

$p(\theta \mid D) = \frac{p(D \mid \theta)p(\theta)}{p(D)}$

We know, for continuous situation,

$p(D)$ = $\int_{\theta}p(D, \theta)$

$= \int_{\theta} p(D \mid \theta)p(\theta)$


$p(\theta \mid D) = \frac{p(D \mid \theta)p(\theta)}{\int_{\theta}p(D \mid \theta)p(\theta)}$

This shows how form a forward or generative model $p(D \mid \theta)$ of the dataset, and coupled with a prior belief $p(\theta)$ about which variable values are appropriate, we can infer the posterior distribution $p(\theta \mid D)$ of the variable in light of the observed data. The most probable a posteriori (MAP) setting is that which maximises the posterior,$\theta{\ast} = \text{arg }max_{\theta}$ $p(\theta \mid D)$, namely that $\theta$ that maximises the Likelihood $p(D \mid \theta)$ of the model generating the observed data.


The interesting thing is the probability are reverted. We know about evidence B, but we really care about the variable A.

For example B is a test result. This diagnostic reasoning which is from evidence to its causes is turned up-side-down into cause-reasoning.

Worth noting that the marginal likelihood or evidence $p(B)$ is hard to compute. It is always expanded by total probability formula.

$p(B) = \displaystyle\sum_a p(B \mid A = a)p(A = a)$


How many parameters does it take to specify the entire Bayes network?

The answer is 3.

It takes one parameter to specify $p(A)$, and two parameters to specify $p(B \mid A)$ and $p(B \mid \neg A)$

Computing trick

we know:

$p(A \mid B) + p(\neg A \mid B) = 1$

We specify:

$p’(A \mid B) = p(B \mid A)p(A)$

$p’(\neg A \mid B) = p(B \mid \neg A)p(\neg A)$


$p(A \mid B) = \eta * p’(A \mid B)$

$p(\neg A \mid B) = \eta * p’(\neg A \mid B)$

$\eta = \frac{1}{p’(A \mid B) + p’(\neg A \mid B)}$

This could let us avoid calculating the evidence $p(B)$


Definition 2.1 (Graphs)

A graph G consists of nodes (vertices) and edges (links) between nodes. Edges may be directed or undirected. Edges can also have associated weight.

Published 24 June 2015
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