Definition 3.2
Given a path $P$, a collider is a node $c$ on $P$ with neighbours $a$ and $b$ on $P$ such that $a \rightarrow c \leftarrow b$. Note that a collider is path specific.
In a general BN, how can we check if $x \bot y \mid z$. In fig(3.7a), x and y are independent when conditioned on z since
$p(x, y \mid z) = p(x \mid z)p(y \mid z)$
Similarly, for fig(3.7b), x and y are independent conditioned on z since.
$p(x, y \mid z) \propto p(z \mid x)p(x)p(y \mid z)$
which is a function of x multiplied by a function of y. In fig(3.7c), however, x and y are graphically dependent since $p(x, y \mid z) \propto p(z \mid x, y)p(x)p(y)$; in this situation, variable $z$ is a collider. The arrows of its neighbours are pointing towards it. In (d), when we condition on z, x and y will be graphically dependent, since
$p(x, y \mid z) = \frac{p(x, y, z)}{p(z)} \displaystyle\sum_w p(z \mid w)p(w\mid x, y)p(x)p(y) \neq p(x \mid z)p(y \mid z)$
The above inequality holds due to the term $p(w \mid x, y)$ only in specific cases such as $p(w \mid x, y) = const$, would x and y be independent. Intuitively, variable w becomes dependent on the value of z, and since x y are conditionally dependent on w, they are also conditionally dependent on z.
If there is a non-collider z which is conditioned along the path between x and y, then this path cannot induce dependence between x and y. Similarly, if there is a path between x and y which contains a collider, provided that this collider is not in the conditioning set (and neither are any of its decendants) then this path does not make x and y dependent. If there is a path between x and y which contains no colliders and no conditioning variables, then this path ‘d-connects’ x and y. Note that a collider is defined relative to a path. In fig(3.8a), the variable d is a collider along the path a - b - d -c, but not along the path a - b -d -e (since, relative to the path, the two arrows do not point towards to d).
Consider the BN: $A \rightarrow B \leftarrow C$. Here A and C are (unconditionally) independent. However, conditioning of B makes them ‘graphically’ dependent. Intuitively, whilst we believe the root causes independent, given the value of the observation, this tells us something about the state of both the causes, coupling them and making them (generally) dependent. In definition 3.3, below we describe the effect that conditioning/marginalisation has on the graph of the remaining varirables.
Definition 3.3 (Some properties of belief networks)
It is useful to understand what effect conditioning or marginalising a variable has on a belief network.
Marginalising over C makes A and B independent. A and B are (unconditionally) independent: $p(A, B) = p(A)p(B)$. In the absence of
any information about the effect C, we retain this belief.
Conditioning on C makes A and B (graphically) dependent. In general,
$p(A,B \mid C) \neq p(A \mid C) p (B \mid C)$. Although the causes are a priori independent, knowing the effect C in general tells us something about how the casuses colluded to bring about the effect observed.
Conditioning on D, a decendent of a collider C, makes A and B (graphically) dependent.
$p(A, B, C) = p(A \mid C)p(B \mid C)p(C)$
Here there is a ‘cause’ C and independent ‘effects’ A and B.
Marginalising over C makes A and B (graphically) dependent. In general, $p(A, B) \neq p(A)p(B)$. Although we don’t know the ‘cause’, the ‘effects’ will nevertheless be dependent.
Conditioning on C makes A and B independent: $p(A, B \mid C) = p(A \mid C)p(B \mid C)$. If you know the ‘cause’ C, you know everything about how each effect occurs, independent of the other effect. This is also true for reversing the arrow from A to C, in the case A would ‘cause’ C and then C ‘cause’ B. Conditioning on C blocks the ability of A to influence B.
Intuitively, we now have all the tools we need to understand when x is independent of y conditioned on z. We need to look at each path between x and y. Coloring x as red and y as green and the conditioning node z as yellow, we need to examine each path between x and y and adjust the edges, following the intuitive rules in fig(3.9)