Intelligent Agent 06 Summary

  1. Feature Extraction
  2. Feature Selection

Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is an attribute reduction process. Unlike feature selection, which ranks the existing attributes according to their predictive significance, feature extraction actually transforms the attributes. The transformed attributes, or features, are linear combination of the original attributes.

The feature extraction process results in a much smaller and richer set of attributes.

Feature extraction projects a data set with higher dimensionality onto a smaller number of dimensions.

Feature extraction can be used to extract the themes of a document collection, where documents are represents by a set of key words and their frequencies.

Feature Selection

Performance of text classification algorithms can be optimized by selecting only a subset of the discriminative terms.

  1. Filter: Filter model relies on general characteristics of the data to evaluate and select feature subsets without involving any mining algorithm. Filter type methods select variables regardless of the model. It tend to select redundant variables because they does not consider the relationships between variables.

  2. Wrapper: The wrapper model requires one predetermined mining algorithm and uses its performance as the evaluation criterion. It searches for features better suited to the mining algorithm aimming to improve mining performance, but it also tends to be more computationally expensive than the filter model.

General procedure of feature selection

  1. Subset generation, this is a process of heuristic search with each state in the search space specifying a candidate subset for evaluation

  2. Subset evaluation


  • Greedy Search
    • Start from empty set or full set and add/delete one at a time
    • Heuristic for adding/deleting
Published 12 June 2015
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