Basic Graph Concepts


  • A graph is made of nodes and edges, which we will use to represent variables and relations between them
  • A DAG is an acyclic graph and will be useful for representing ‘causal’ relationships between variables
  • Neighbouring nodes on an undirected graph will be useful represent dependent variables.
  • A graph is singly-connected if there is only one path from any node to any other - otherwise the graph is multiply-connected.
  • A Clique is group of nodes all of which are connected to each other
  • The adjacency matrix is a machine-readable description of a graph. Powers of the adjacency matrix give information on the paths between nodes.

Cycle, loop and chord

A cycle is directed path stat starts and returns to the same node. A loop is a path containing more than two nodes, irrespective of edge direction, that starts and returns to the same node. For example, 1-2-4-3-1 forms a loop, but the graph is acyclic (contains no cycles). A chord is an edge that connects two non-adjacent nodes in a loop. For example, the 2-3 edge is a chord in the 1-2-4-3-1 loop.

Markov blanket

The Markov blanket of a node is its parents, children and the parents of its children (excluding itself).


In this case, $x_4$ is $x_1, x_2, x_3, x_5, x_6, x_7$

Singly Connected Graph

A graph is singly connected if there is only one path from any node A to any other node B. Otherwise the graph is multiply connected. This definition applies regardless of whether or not the edges in the graph are directed. An alternative name for a singly connected graph is a tree. A multiply-connected graph is also called loopy.


Spanning Tree

A spanning tree of an undirected graph G is a singly-connected subset of the existing edges such that the resulting singly-connected graph covers all nodes of G. On the below is a graph and an associated spanning tree. A maximum weight spanning tree is a spanning tree such that the sum of all weights on the edges of the tree is at least as large as any other spanning tree of G.


Finding a maximal weight spanning tree

An algorithm to find a spanning tree with maximal weight is as follows: Start by picking the edge with the largest weight and add this to the edge set. Then pick the next candidate edge which has the largest weight and add this to the edge set - if this results in an edge set with cycles, the reject the candidate edge and propose the next largest edge weight. Note that there may be more than one maximal weight spanning tree.

Numerically Encoding Graphs

Edge list

As the name suggests, an edge list simply lists which node-node pairs are in the graph. For fig(2.2a), an edge list is L = {(1,2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (3, 1), (2, 3), (3, 2), (2, 4), (4, 2), (3, 4), (4, 3)}. Undirected edges are listed twice, once for each direction.


Ajacency matrix

An alternative is to use an adjacency matrix


Where $A_{ij} = 1$ if there is an edge from node $i$ to node $j$ in the graph, and 0 otherwise. An undirected graph has a symmetric adjacency matrix.

Provided that the nodes are labelled in ancestral order (parents always come before children) a directed Graph (fig2.2b) can be represented as a triangular adjacency matrix:


Clique matrix

For an undirected graph with N nodes and maximal cliques $C_1, \dots, C_K$ a clique matrix is an $N \times K$ matrix in which each column $c_k$ has zeros except for ones on entries describing the clique. For example


The interesting thing is the probability are reverted. We know about evidence B, but we really care about the variable A.

For example B is a test result. This diagnostic reasoning which is from evidence to its causes is turned up-side-down into cause-reasoning.

Graph Confusions

State Transition Diagrams

Such representations are used in Markov chains and finite state automata. Each state is a node and a directed edge between node $i$ and $j$ (with an associated weight) represents that a transition from state $i$ to state $j$ can occur with probability. From the graphical models perspective we use a directed graph $x(t) \rightarrow x(t + 1)$ to represent this Markov chain. The state-transition diagram provides a more detailed graphical description of the conditional probability table $p(x(t + 1) \mid x(t))$.

Neural Networks

Neural networks also have nodes and edges. In general, however, neural networks are graphical representations of functions, whereas graphical models are representations of distributions.

Published 26 June 2015
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