Intelligent Agent 05 Summary

Text Representation

  1. Bag of words
  2. N-grams

Bag of words

Vector Space model

  • Documents are term Vectors
  • TF.IDF for term weights
  • Cosine similarity


  1. The ignorance of any relation between words. Learn algorithm could only detect terminology, conceptual patterns (synatatic meaning) are totally ignored.

  2. Dimensionality problem

Other Representation

N-grams model

n-grams model is a contiguous sequence of $n$ items from a given sequence of text or speech. An n-grams model is a type of probabilistic language model for predicting the next item in such a sequence in the form of a (n - 1) other Markov Model

  • Bi-grams
  • Tri-grams

Two advantages of n-gram models:

  1. similarity
  2. Scale up efficiently
Published 10 June 2015
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