What is AWS lambda

AWS Lambda is a compute service where you can upload your code to AWS Lambda and the service can run the code on your behalf using AWS infrastructure.

What Lambda can do?

You can use Lambda as follows:

  • As an event-driven compute service where Lambda runs your code in response to events
  • As a compute service to run your code in response to HTTP requests using API calls

How to test lambda?

In order to test the lambda service, we design a project which makes use of the two features of lambda service.


Figure 1 shows the workflow of the system, the project mainly includes two parts: API calls and event-driven. In the API calls part, we use lambda as a Web crawler, in response to user API calls, collects news from news websites.

Initially, user send a request to the Lambda service; Web crawler in response to the request and starts to crawl websites. Web crawler collected the news titles and store in AWS S3 bucket.

The event-driven part, Lambda works as a compute service. It automatically respond to the event of creating files in the S3 bucket.

Initially, the crawler creates news title file in a S3 bucket. Then the Lambda service detects this event. Then, the Lambda function in response to it by applying sentiment analysis over the collected news; therefore, it classifies the news.


  1. Make a crawler that could crawl (Lambda service) some news websites according to needs (50%)
  2. Make a Lambda service that could automatically do the sentiment analysis and put the right file in the right place(50%)
  3. Make a Web service to do the request (0%)
  4. Write a test to test the scalability of lambda service (0%)
  5. Write the god damn report (30%)

How to evaluate?

How to test the scalability of lambda ?

Stimulate many users.

Using the CloudWatch Metrics.

Published 19 October 2015
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